Dolesh Family

Dolesh Family

Sunday, May 19, 2013


i'm not entirely sure why i/we are writing a blog.  oh yes, it is to update everyone on our adoption progress and status. but... real life is still going on, and not much adoption news to report.  busy, fun, hectic, exciting life.  so i am guessing we will keep writing about everyday life for now and we will be able to look back and see what was going on before and after we went through the process.  (an online diary?) (a record of events?) (a status report?) but i don't want anyone that does read this (and people have told us they do!) (why??) to think we want everyone to know all about us or that we are prideful or arrogant or desperate or crazy or perfect.  i hope, hope, hope it doesn't come across that way.  i'm writing for me because i have always wanted to write more stuff down. and i want to remember the little things and big things.  and because my parents live 1000 miles away.  and because i want to write a book someday.  and because i never remember the funny and cute things that my kids did last week.  and because i am so thankful for our friends that want to stay in touch with us (that is a serious one).  and i am writing to see what my husband says.  and a warning: i have long-wanted to write a cooking blog so i may back-door my way to a cooking blog yet.  i love feeding my family and friends good food and i like sharing food with anyone and everyone that will eat it. (and everyone needs to eat, including kids- whether they are young or old, picky or not picky, merritt or stimson, obedient or disobedient, adopted or biological, girl or boy, good sleepers or bad sleepers, public-schooled or private-schooled, well-dressed or just dressed, active or sedentary, standing or rolling around on the floor, listening or not listening) (can you tell what we have been thinking about lately???) (and how about the use of parentheses in this blog post!!)


Charles said...

So, here's what I want to know...what should I make for supper? (I wish you lived next door). Love, Momma

Robyn said...

Mmmmm, I do love some Katy cooking ;)

BowmanFamily said...

I love this blog! And I can't wait for the food blog too!